Florists Choice Bouquet
Florists Choice Bouquet

Florists Choice Bouquet

Maison Anthea Ottawa

Our florist choice bouquet is curated from our personal picks from the markets. If you can't decide from our other offerings, leave it up to us to create you something special. Arranged carefully using different textures, heights and varieties for a truly unique design. Presented in a vase or wrapped in our premium paper with overflowing ribbon and a hand written card.

Please note, the image above is for colour and style reference only. We cannot guarantee any specific flower varieties. You are not purchasing this exact bouquet, we only use it as inspiration.

The bouquet you receive will depend on seasonal availability and what we have personally selected for that day. We welcome design requests, but cannot guarantee specific materials. 

For any specific flower varieties, please let us know in the "Order Notes" section and we will accommodate as best as we can.

Same day delivery when you order before 10 AM.

Delivery charges are added at check out.

By purchasing this product you understand all of the above.

We look forward to creating something beautiful for you!




Size $100.00 Bouquet

Only left in stock